January 16, 2012

seasons change.

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1

it's funny how God works sometimes, isn't it? how often we can sit back staring at our lives wondering how any of it makes sense and asking where our circumstances are headed. the last month or so has been one of those changing seasons for me. in the last month i have gone through a breakup, found out a family member has stage four cancer, and losing friends to new places and even the death of a friend. i'd say that makes for one of those "what the heck are you doing, God..." moments. 

yes, it's only been a month or so of all that but God has already taught me so much about who He is and where i am going with Him through this thing called life. i am reading Forgotten God by Francis Chan for the second time and it is so full of amazing reminders of how powerful and eternal and holy the Holy Spirit is. not only is this so, but the Holy Spirit has been given to us on Jesus' dime! even Jesus says that it is better for Him to leave to allow the Spirit to come to us (John 16:7) in the first chapter, Chan talks about a caterpillar. he says, "for all its caterpillar life, it crawls around a small patch of dirt and up and down a few plants. then one day it takes a nap. a long nap. and then, what in the world must go through its head when it wakes up to discover it can fly? what does it think when it sees its tiny new body and gorgeous wings?" i know it's a pretty cheesy analogy but go with it for a sec. Chan goes on to say that if we, as believers, were to look at the Spirit endwelling in us as a caterpillar looks at and uses its wings, our lives would be incredibly different.

i want to be different tomorrow than i am today because the Spirit is changing me and directing my steps. i will pray big prayers because i know i have an even bigger God. as Chan writes, "i don't want to keep crawling when i have the ability to fly." it is a new year and i am so excited to see what God makes out of my present circumstances because i have high expectations that He will be doing something huge!

What do you hope to see from God this new season?