how refreshing (and intense!) is the old testament! when you think about it, Abraham didn't have any Bible to base his faith off of nor did he get to experience or learn about Jesus! we have all this plus commentaries, podcasts, blogs, inspirational books/speakers, etc. he had the voice of the LORD.. i'm fighting saying the words "and thats it" because i don't like the way that sounds, but what else do i say? he had the voice of the LORD...and thats it.
so often i find myself wondering stupidly why God doesn't move in crazy ways like He used to. but after really meditating on these scriptures, i began to realize that God doesn't change. the God Abraham so faithfully worshiped and obeyed is the very one i worship and seek to obey. this gave a whole new meaning to the phrase "its not you, its me". this passage combined with the book Forgotten God by Francis Chan has really challenged me to want to live my life differently. i live so comfortably here in my own little bubble but God calls us to more than that. He calls us to listen and move when he asks us to. if God told me to just get up and go, leaving all my family and friends behind, i'm sure i would have a little "no...that can't really be God" or "uhh are you sure...?" this questioning and ignoring His calls to me are exactly why i don't always see His amazing work in my life. Francis Chan says something in his book like God loves showing up when people desperately need Him because only then can no one else take away His glory. we need to be seeking the Spirit to the point where if He didn't pull through, everything would fall apart. after all, isn't that what Abraham did?
"Abraham never wavered in believing God's promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. And because of Abraham's faith, God counted him as righteous." -Romans 4:20-22 NLT